Wednesday, March 28, 2012


If there was one thing that I was not prepared for in motherhood, it was the advice that every well-meaning person has for you. I know this is purely my own problem, but I can't help but feel judged when I make my own decisions for my child, that I know others have voiced opinions that are not in agreement with what I have decided. What I have learned most importantly from this well-meaning advice, is that no one person is right. What works for one family, might not work for another. You have to do what is right for YOU, YOUR family. And well, it's nice to think you can please everyone--you won't. Times have changed so much, and will continue to change, and you have to decide what is important for you...and how you are going to prioritize it. My biggest priority is exclusively breastfeeding Henry for the first 6 months. I felt with the winter months, he was going to get the best nutrition from me, and that he should get it exclusively as long as possible. I would be filthy rich if I had $1 for every time somebody said to me, "He'll sleep better if you start him on cereal", "He's how old...and hasn't had solids yet" etc. I am constantly having to remind myself--this is what works for our family! It's okay that not everybody thinks it's the best decision...heck why do I care so much anyways!? The other big one, is the choice to delay his shots. After all, he has LOW exposure, and by the time he is one, he will be completely on schedule, they just won't be completed by 6 months like the CDC would like. I am the one that has to live with the decisions that I make for my son...nobody else will have to live with the consequences for the decisions made except for myself (and of course, my spouse). Here's to doing what we feel is best, with the good Lord's guidance!

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