Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dr.'s Appointment-Week 39

Yesterday was my week 39 doctors appointment...and it was a dramatic doctors appointment to say the least. Carl had just gotten back from his road trip to Wisconsin, so he was able to tag along with me, and met the other doctor in the practice...which I was thankful about. When the doctor went to go find the baby's heartbeat, it took her FOREVER! My heart was pounding the whole entire time, meanwhile I felt like I was going to pass out. How could we make it this far, for something to happen? It was the WORST feeling in the world. She finally found the baby's heartbeat right under my left rib...which of course then led to an internal exam, to make sure the baby really was head down. While she did the internal, she told me that I have not dilated at all, but she said this was common in first time mom's. It's not usually until subsequent births that dilation happens before labor actually begins. This comforted me, but I was a little bummed hoping that something NOTICEABLE was happening! 

The baby's heartbeat was quite considerably lower at 140bpm...although it seems like the baby is always napping for this doctor! My stomach measured at 38 weeks, which is 1cm less than last week...which happens as the baby drops lower into the pelvis. I have started to experience cramping, as well as nausea. The doctor said that these are signposts of the body begin to prepare itself for the impending labor.

In less than 2 weeks, mom and dad head for the beach! I'm saying lots of prayers that if I am unable to go, that I am able to accept this fate with lots of'll be hard to do. I'm trying to not get my hopes up too high, but then again at the same's hard not to do! I look forward to the beach week ALL YEAR! 

On a weird note--yesterday we were in the grocery store and bought a gallon of milk that expires AFTER the baby's due about a weird feeling! It's so funny to know that the baby could be born before the milk expires! Next, I'll be looking for the gallon's of milk that have October 16th on them--the magic day they will not let me go past!

Anyways, Abby spent the night here last night, and she and I are going to get a lot of straightening up done around the house today. Look for some more postings in the next few days of all the cool stuff the baby has gotten over the last week!! 

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