It's been a while since I have posted about what is going on in Henry's here goes a quick catch up on what has been happening!
He has been busy meeting a WHOLE bunch of people--with quite a few left on his list to still meet! Henry is such a happy, content baby, and both mommy and daddy are hoping he stays that way! He is sweet as can be, and I love kissing on his chubby cheeks!
Two weeks ago yesterday, at 7:34pm, he was born! I can't believe how fast the first two weeks have gone...before we know it he will be a month old! :( That makes this mama very sad, because then he will be only
11 months away from his first birthday...I could shed lots of tears thinking about this, but will instead embrace each moment with him!!! I am trying my hardest to enjoy each minute with this precious little one!
Today, Henry went on his first walk in the stroller down to Carl's work, and then back up again! It was such a nice day, I could not stay inside after coming back from a doctor's appointment and trip to grandma and grandpa's. Henry seemed to get a kick out of the stroller ride--he slept through it all! Today he also got his social security card in the mail!! Hooray for being a legal citizen! That reminds me that on Friday we have to go by and pick up his birth certificate...oh the little things that are so easy to forget about these days!
Henry was held by our 93 year old neighbor on Saturday for 2.5 hours...I need to take him over there again tomorrow before we leave for a long weekend! She enjoyed loving on him, and was just taking him in! It was so nice to see him bring her so much happiness! I can only hope that somebody does the same for me one day, and that at 93 years of age I am capable of holding a little one still! How I love my babies! I have had lots of elderly people stop me and look at Henry, and say how there "babies" are now ___ age. That reminds me more than anything to enjoy each and every day, because they will go faster than I want them to! I'm sure it seems like they were holding their own babies just yesterday...
Henry continues to put himself to sleep after feedings at night, and during the day has decided he wants some "space" to get himself to sleep. This leaves his mom with mixed feelings--although I am thankful that he is capable of soothing himself, and doesn't need me to rock/hold him until he falls asleep. He continues to eat every 2-3 hours during the day, and most of the time every 4 hours at night--except for the 1 time he went 5 hours! That made mom VERY nervous!
The doctor appointment mentioned earlier went very well!! He has gained weight, and is almost back up at birth weight. Even though this didn't happen by 2 weeks of age, the dr. isn't too worried about it, because he has only been nursing regularly for a week. He goes back next week for another weight check, and hopefully he will have continued to gain weight.
Today would have been my Papa's 75th birthday...and today was the first day (besides the day he passed away, and the day of the funeral), that I truly grieved for him. For some reason, it was just tough. I decided to go to mom's after his doctor appointment, because after spending the morning alone with Henry, nursing and crying, I wanted to be around people...especially those who are going through the same emotions that I am. I thought of him tonight, while eating my dinner (we had baked chicken, broccoli, and pierogies), and how he would have had meatloaf, baked potato, and broccoli (at least I believe it was broccoli)...I love him so much, and wish I could have picked up the phone to wish him a happy birthday, and tell him all about his great grandson...