Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 21

Today was Halloween! Our first family holiday. Henry dressed as a pumpkin. We also thought it would be cute to get a picture of him in a big pumpkin. We had a moment of panic when we realized that it was going to be a challenge to get him out with how far down inside the pumpkin he sat. He was not the happiest camper with us, so the pictures are not of the happy boy we know. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 20

Today we took Henry to Church and he met Kenny, Mr. Allison, Pastor, and Mrs. Davenport. Then later in the day while daddy went on a mountain bike ride mommy, Aunt Bekah and Aunt Hust took him on a walk around the neighborhood.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 19

Today Henry met Rebecca "Joy" who is a friend of Aunt Bex. Henry slept for Ms. Joy while she held him. Mommy made a bunch of birth announcements to send out to family and friends. Also, Aunt Abi helped mommy give him a bath.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 18

Today Henry met Aunt Cory. 

Mommy left him in the care of others for the first and second time while she did some shopping. Aunt Huster and Aunt Bexy watched him first then daddy watched him. We stayed the night in Fairview. Henry was awake for a long four hour stretch.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 17

Grandpa and grandma T came over for some dessert. We cleaned more today (mostly mommy cleaned) and the house is getting better although it is still a mess. It feels so small even though it is not that tiny of a place. We could use some more storage... Daddy has to clean the "pantry" so it can be used to store some extra stuff like the window a/c units. Bound for Fairview this weekend to watch Rocky while the g'rents are off at the track in Savannah.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What's going on in Henry's World...

It's been a while since I have posted about what is going on in Henry's here goes a quick catch up on what has been happening!

He has been busy meeting a WHOLE bunch of people--with quite a few left on his list to still meet! Henry is such a happy, content baby, and both mommy and daddy are hoping he stays that way! He is sweet as can be, and I love kissing on his chubby cheeks!

Two weeks ago yesterday, at 7:34pm, he was born! I can't believe how fast the first two weeks have gone...before we know it he will be a month old! :( That makes this mama very sad, because then he will be only 11 months away from his first birthday...I could shed lots of tears thinking about this, but will instead embrace each moment with him!!! I am trying my hardest to enjoy each minute with this precious little one!

Today, Henry went on his first walk in the stroller down to Carl's work, and then back up again! It was such a nice day, I could not stay inside after coming back from a doctor's appointment and trip to grandma and grandpa's. Henry seemed to get a kick out of the stroller ride--he slept through it all! Today he also got his social security card in the mail!! Hooray for being a legal citizen! That reminds me that on Friday we have to go by and pick up his birth certificate...oh the little things that are so easy to forget about these days!

Henry was held by our 93 year old neighbor on Saturday for 2.5 hours...I need to take him over there again tomorrow before we leave for a long weekend! She enjoyed loving on him, and was just taking him in! It was so nice to see him bring her so much happiness! I can only hope that somebody does the same for me one day, and that at 93 years of age I am capable of holding a little one still! How I love my babies! I have had lots of elderly people stop me and look at Henry, and say how there "babies" are now ___ age. That reminds me more than anything to enjoy each and every day, because they will go faster than I want them to! I'm sure it seems like they were holding their own babies just yesterday...

Henry continues to put himself to sleep after feedings at night, and during the day has decided he wants some "space" to get himself to sleep. This leaves his mom with mixed feelings--although I am thankful that he is capable of soothing himself, and doesn't need me to rock/hold him until he falls asleep. He continues to eat every 2-3 hours during the day, and most of the time every 4 hours at night--except for the 1 time he went 5 hours! That made mom VERY nervous!

The doctor appointment mentioned earlier went very well!! He has gained weight, and is almost back up at birth weight. Even though this didn't happen by 2 weeks of age, the dr. isn't too worried about it, because he has only been nursing regularly for a week. He goes back next week for another weight check, and hopefully he will have continued to gain weight.

Today would have been my Papa's 75th birthday...and today was the first day (besides the day he passed away, and the day of the funeral), that I truly grieved for him. For some reason, it was just tough. I decided to go to mom's after his doctor appointment, because after spending the morning alone with Henry, nursing and crying, I wanted to be around people...especially those who are going through the same emotions that I am. I thought of him tonight, while eating my dinner (we had baked chicken, broccoli, and pierogies), and how he would have had meatloaf, baked potato, and broccoli (at least I believe it was broccoli)...I love him so much, and wish I could have picked up the phone to wish him a happy birthday, and tell him all about his great grandson...

Day 16

Henry had another check up today and he gained considerable weight. Up to 8 lbs 13 oz. Mommy and daddy cleaned up a bunch at the house, but it is still a disaster. We don't know how we accumulated so much stuff! Henry slept in his real crib for the first time for a few hours.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 15

Aunt Bexy came to visit today and ended up working a lot. From doing dishes to helping bathe Henry, we kept her busy. Mom called daddy to come up to the house from work because of a "dead mouse" under the heater. False alarm! Daddy had his first class since Henry came home and it was rough being away for so long.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 14

Went to the doctor to get weighed and he has not gained any weight yet, but we are working on it! Today Henry met the office people from daddy's work, along with Mary Dean, Velvet, Shannon, Jennifer, and Conner.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 13

Today was interesting to say the least. See mom's post below! We tried on our cloth diapers for the first time. Still a bit too big. (We had to wash our sheets) Wicked cute though!!!

Henry's 1st Big Adventure!

It all started with the fact that the Radio Shack in Mars Hill, is only open Monday-Friday. Have you honestly ever known a Radio Shack to not be open on Saturday??? Anyways, we were in search of a carbon monoxide detector since it was our first night at the house with Henry, and because our source of heat is a ventless propane heater. The Ingles in town did not have any detectors either. After sleeping in until 11 (of course we had to wake up for feedings), mommy and daddy decided to give Henry his first bath. After bath time was feeding, and Henry fell asleep in his swing! He seemed to really enjoy it! Mom and dad then decided to take Henry to Lowe's, so that we could purchase said carbon monoxide detector. After meeting Carl's boss, and purchasing the detector, we loaded ourselves into the car...which didn't start! Henry and mommy went across the parking lot to Walmart, to get out of the hot car and sun. After shopping for awhile, we met Carl back at the car and also met Carl's friends who were at Lowe's. Carl tried to jump start the car, but it was determined that it was the starter, not the battery. Henry got a diaper change, and a quick feeding (in the Lowe's parking lot) before Grandma T. picked him and myself up, and we drove off to Fairview (stopped at the Advance Auto to get a battery), and met Carl in Fairview (he got the car towed there). Anyways, not even an hour and a half later, Henry and I waltzed around the neighborhood with him in the Baby Bjorn (and with two of his favorite aunts Becka and Abby), and Carl had the car fixed and it started! Carl amazes me with his ability to fix cars and other things! We then went to Grandma and Grandpa W.'s where Henry had another meal...afterwards he was sound asleep, we had dinner with Grandpa and Grandma T. and we headed home! All in a Sunday afternoon!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 12

Today Henry was held by his Uncle T.J.! We also got to spend some time outside which was a treat since we have been cooped up inside for so long. The weather was not half bad either. Henry met Brian and Katie (Carl's college friend and co-worker and his wife) in Black Mountain where Katie was playing in a company softball tournament. We got home in Mars Hill for the first time in what feels like ages. Henry met our landlord and neighbors.
We are all excited to spend a night at our
cute little abode.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 11

Today Henry got his nails trimmed for the first time. He was also given some hand-me-down toys from Lipsey's little girl Mira. Daddy is excited to spend all weekend with mommy and baby!

Happy Baby, Happy Mommy

I can not say it enough how great of a baby Mr. Henry is!!! He has become a champ at nursing, and eats every 3 hours (like clockwork during the day) and at night he usually gets up every 3.5-4 hours to eat! Mommy is thankful for a bit of extra rest at night! He generally falls back to sleep very quickly, and in the last day and a half has put himself to sleep 3 times! At other times, he has a loving grandparent or aunt holding him. Last night, Henry snuggled with daddy before going to bed, since he hadn't seen him all day! Carl and Henry were so cute together!!! I just love watching Carl take care of him...he is becoming a pro at changing diapers! I can't wait to watch their relationship change and continue to grow as Henry gets older!

Mommy continues to eat Henry up! I just love watching his facial features change and talking and smiling with him! He is such a doll!

Henry had his first doctors appointment yesterday, and it went really well. She was pleased with how much weight he had gained back, and told us to continue to keep up the good work! Henry slept the whole way down to his appointment, and starting fussing in the doctor's office, but fell back asleep on the way home! He is getting accustomed to his car seat, which is a good thing because his mom and dad are always going somewhere, or doing something! We like to stay busy! Or, I guess I should say mommy does! Well, little man is starting to stir, which means it is getting time to eat! I guess we'll have to write about other things he is doing sometime later!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 10

Grandpa T. got to hold Henry for his first time today. Henry had his first doctors appointment and all was good. Daddy worked, Mom nursed, and Henry put him self to sleep watching his mobile!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 9

Henry got discharged today!

Last night mom and dad celebrated Henry's one week birthday by splitting a piece of double chocolate cake. It was supposed to be consumed at 7:34 p.m. but because someone was being a little fussy, we had it at 11:00 p.m.

Coming Home!!!

The last day has been a whirlwind!! Henry has been doing so well nursing!! I am so proud of him!!! We have finally started to get in sync with one's to hoping things go just as smoothly the next few days!!

Today, we brought Henry home to Grandpa and Grandma W's. We are going to stay here for the next two days as we all adjust to each other, and then go home when we have daddy home with us all weekend! He was such a good boy for the ride home, and cried for only a minute before he soothed himself. We are so happy he mastered it...even if it was only for a minute!

Grandma, and Grandpa W. got to finally hold me, along with Grandma T who Henry snuggled with for an afternoon nap. Grandma W got Henry calmed down, and boy was I glad she did! Henry seems to be awake a lot after lunch time, and also is very fussy around 7:30pm...must be the witching hour!

We're saying some prayers for a good night's sleep!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 8

Today is hopefully our last night in transition. We should be going home tomorrow! Grandpa W. met Henry today!

1st Battle with Henry!

Since Saturday, Henry has been drinking mostly from bottles, and had only nursed a few times. Well, today, we decided that would all change. The day nurse encouraged me to exclusively breastfeed him today, with the help of lactation consultants if it was needed.

It all began at 9:00am...Henry did really well. In fact, I was shocked. He didn't need to use the nipple shield and latched on almost immediately, with very little assistance. He completely emptied what was in the breast that he was nursing on, was burped, and offered the second one. Well, long story short, he was not interested. This had happened yesterday, too, and so I went on the advice given to me yesterday, which was to pump the other side, and then give it to him in the bottle. So, after trying for 15 minutes, I pumped, and gave him 30cc in the bottle.

Fast forward to 12:45ish, when it is time for Henry to eat again. This time the lactation consultant came in at the beginning of the nursing session, and stayed with me and watched me get Henry latched on. We did it ourselves, and I was pretty proud of us! All went well as we nursed our way through the first breast, and we had multiple burps in there too!

Then came the battle...trying to get him to eat from the second breast. He would NOT latch matter what we tried. He cried and screamed, and hollered, and screamed and cried some would have thought I was torturing the poor boy! The lactation consultant came in, and said right away that Henry was simply just being stubborn (which I had pretty much assumed), and that I had to choose...fight back, or give in, pump, and give him the bottle. The next hour was pretty brutal as he continued to cry, did not want to be consoled, and would not latch on to anything (pacifier, breast). Finally, after an hour, he calmed down and went to sleep! It is 2:45pm, and he is still sleeping! One can only hope the next feeding will go well, and he will realize his mama means business! It will be so much easier to not have to pump anymore...I definitely did not realize what a time commitment nursing, and having to feed baby on top of it was.

Here's to hopefully a happy baby at the next feeding, who will learn his lesson quickly! Or else--this saga could continue on.

1st Night--Transition Room October 17th

We spent our first night together last night in a Transition Room at Mission! Henry was such a good baby!! He was asleep by 8:30, and got woken up at 10:10 for his antibiotics. They found that his vein was not good anymore in his head, and then he proceeded to get stuck in various places on his body for the next hour and a half...the poor baby was not happy! Mommy and Daddy were just about as unhappy as he was! We felt so bad for him! Once they got him stuck, and the IV started a lactation consultant came up and helped Henry and I nurse! He was able to do it without the nipple shield, and I was so thankful for this HUGE step in our nursing success! He only nursed about 10 minutes, and then we decided to go ahead and give him a bottle--because he was so upset! I wanted to end our "nursing session" on a good note, rather than an unhappy screaming frustrated note! He finished his bottle, and would not fall back asleep...we had to top him off at 1:40am...after that though, he slept straight through to 5:30. Mommy got up to pump, and so when he got up at 5:30, we didn't nurse, he just had another bottle.

Henry gets compliments all the time from the nurses and doctors, saying that he is such a cute, handsome boy. He has also heard several times how he looks like a Henry. I wasn't so sure at first, but Henry definitely does fit him. He's growing into it mighty fast! Speaking of growing--little man weighs 8lbs 5 oz. The lactation consultants want to see him back to his pre-birth weight by the time he is 2 weeks old. That means he has another week to gain 10 ozs...we'll see if he can do it! I have confidence he can--this boy likes to eat!

This morning, Henry fed from both boobs, emptying one, and getting some out of the other one. In a few minutes he will be waking up, and will be ready to try our hand at nursing again. He and I are both gaining confidence more and more each time we nurse.

Besides being hungry, and getting stuck, he is such a happy boy. Because he won't empty both breasts yet, feedings take FOREVER. He started getting fed this morning at 9:00, and we didn't end up going to sleep until 10:15ish. But, he is a happy boy, and so we will count our blessings! He really only cries when he is hungry, and even then the crying is manageable.

Hopefully tomorrow we will be going to Grandpa and Grandma's to spend Wednesday and Thursday nights. We will go to our house either on Friday or Saturday. Mommy wants some time to adjust with having a baby with Grandma nearby...she has LOADS of experience. Plus, we might just need some help getting nursing going fully. Daddy is taking tomorrow off of work so he will be with us when we get to go home!! We are all so very excited!!! Henry continues to be such a huge blessing to both Carl and I--we love him to pieces and can't imagine life without him! We are so ready to show him all sorts of great things!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 7

Today Henry moved to a transition room. Mom and dad got to sleep with him for the first time! What a night!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 6

Today Henry found his thumb and sucked it. Daddy fed him a bottle. A first for dad!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 5

Henry nursed for the first time today! Also, the nurses have used up most of his veins for the IV. He now has an IV port in his scalp.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 4

Last night, little Henry got taken off of the machine that was helping him breathe.
Henry got his first bottle. Up to this point he has been getting sustenance through an IV.
Daddy Went back to work today.

When Daddy got home from work Henry was in a real crib and CLOTHES!!! Too cute!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 3

Henry's level of supplemental oxygen was reduced from a very high to a level similar to the oxygen in the air we breathe.

The flow of the machine he is on was greatly reduced also!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 2

Little Henry is in the NICU.

When he was born, he aspirated some amniotic fluid. He was having some respiratory problems so he was placed on antibiotics and supplemental oxygen.

Daddy changed his first diaper!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 1

Carl Heinrich Tannenbaum VI "Henry"
Born 10-11-2011 7:34pm
8 lbs 14.8 oz
20.5 inches

He was born after 44 hours of labor, and 3 hours of pushing, all with out any medication! Elizabeth is one amazing woman!